Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Finger Painted Name Sign

I try to do a special activity with my two year old son every day. He gets very excited when he hears that we are going to do an activity. He is so cute! Anyway, I decided that he needed a sign for his bedroom door and I found a wonderful idea on this blog post about how to do it! Unfortunately, I was not feeling my best today and was not able to take pictures of the process, but I have a picture of the final result for you as well as a how-to!

I chose an 11x14" canvas to work with. Before we got started, I used masking tape to block out my son's name on the canvas. Doing the S was a bit of a bear but I found that ripping the tape into smaller pieces helped to make it look more rounded. I chose to rip the tape instead of cutting it and I staggered my letters a little bit to make it look more quirky.

Then it was time to let my son create his masterpiece! I laid down a drop cloth, opened up a bunch of finger paints that he got for his birthday (thanks, Natasha!), threw a paint shirt on him, and let him go to town! He is a little prissy about getting dirty so he needed some encouragement to really get into the painting. For some strange, horrible, reason he got really excited about painting after I told him that the brown paint looked like poop. He thought that was absolutely hilarious. I love all the little hand prints he left behind!

I hope this inspires you to help your child make their own masterpiece! We had a blast and I bet you will, too!